Operating Base
Orchestrate modules easily

All functions for safe and central IT administration
The Operating Base area of use facilitates the central management of all modules from the Nexeed Industrial Application System and their respective user groups. The essential basic functionalities ensure the three most important properties of a future-oriented IT ecosystem: homogeneity, interoperability, and security, even beyond the digital factory boundaries. IT administrators find all the tools they need for a user-specific set-up of the Nexeed Industrial Application System: management of master equipment data, the connectivity and integration of different data sources, the configuration of incoming data packages, as well as the assignment of access rights to all users.
All functionalities access the same data, which avoids redundancies and allows full interoperability between the individual modules. Newly installed modules are directly connected to the database and can be used immediately. Here, security and user-friendliness are top priority: a single login is sufficient so that all authorized users can use and adapt all modules, functionalities, and data. In addition, a comprehensive dashboard provides an optimal overview; the quick link to all other functionalities without additional authentications makes daily work easier.

Operating Base in the Nexeed Industrial Application System
As an area of use of the Nexeed Industrial Application System, Operating Base addresses the specific challenges and pain points of a certain user group. The areas of use and their modules can be configured and assembled according to individual needs. This way, every user receives optimum support in everyday use.

Get in touch with us
Monday – Friday, 9 a.m. – 4 p.m. CET