White Paper: Data Homogenization in the Age of Industry 4.0
Learn everything about the Digital Twin System as basis for easy communication in connected production and logistics.
Make abstract data understandable
![Data Homogenization in the Age of Industry 4.0](/de/media/whitepaper_1/wp_datenhomogenisierung/abstract_data_16_9_res_800x450.png, /de/media/whitepaper_1/wp_datenhomogenisierung/abstract_data_16_9_res_1600x900.png 2x)
What do we need to digitalize production and logistics? First of all, we need data, which is available in large amounts. However, we often still lacking a common basis for communication between humans, software and hardware. The answer lies in semantic data homogenization - not only for machine operators on site but also for mechanical engineers and software developers. It turns data into useful information that everyone can understand.
Bosch Connected Industry is currently working on making this value-adding information available beyond the factory borders with the Digital Twin System. In addition, connecting the data makes it possible to trace assets throughout their whole life cycle. The Digital Twin System thus opens up completely new possibilities, such as digital services for maintenance or ready-to-use software applications.
Do you want to learn more? Our whitepaper provides everything you need to know about our cross-plant approach to data homogenization!
Get to know the Digital Twin System
Ulrich Wolters, Head of Production Area Foundation at Bosch Connected Industry, talks about the possibilities of the Digital Twin System. In this short video, you will learn how raw data can be turned into comprehensible information and how this contributes to higher efficiency in production and logistics.
Beyond the Digital Twin System: creating comprehensive semantics in production and logistics
Bosch is part of the Open Manufacturing Platform, a technology platform and open community for cross-industry collaboration in the field of Industry 4.0. Bosch's contribution to this community draws on the company's extensive experience as a leading supplier and user of Industry 4.0 technologies - both at its own and at customer sites around the world.
We want to contribute to the general accessibility of data that has so far been stored and processed mainly in proprietary systems. Therefore, we are developing a semantic data layer in the "Semantic Data Structuring" working group, which supplements production data with generally understandable semantics. We will of course contribute the knowledge gained from our work on the Digital Twin System and numerous other projects in the field of data homogenization to this development.