White paper: Change Management for Industry 4.0
Employee involvement as success factor for digitalization projects
The human factor in digitalization

Two out of three change projects fail. Objectively speaking, they do not achieve the desired goal. This also applies to digitalization projects. Why? Executives and project managers forget how important the human factor is for the success of IIoT solutions. Only if employees really use the new technologies can they fully benefit from their advantages.
However, technological changes are often a huge transition, which is frequently fraught with fears and worries. The goal of change management is to ensure acceptance and economic use of the digitalization solution. This includes involving all stakeholders before, during and after implementation.
Read our new white paper to find out which pitfalls lurk on the way to the connected factory – and how to turn them into success. Both practical examples and concrete figures prove that change management ultimately pays off: By adopting the right change management approaches, you can expect twice the ROI and up to 50 percent more chance of success in the implementation of your digitalization projects.