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4 advantages of machine maintenance with Control plus

Bosch has an extensive global experience in operating machines and systems of various sizes and requirements. A recurring challenge is always the optimization of service and maintenance. Long familiarization times with the machine's PLC code, the availability of expert knowledge regarding the installed devices and the operation and diagnosis of the machine via the HMI are the biggest hurdles. To meet these and many other challenges, Bosch Connected Industry has continuously expanded and optimized the Nexeed Automation portfolio since 2014. This portfolio focuses on automation software in the areas of PLC and HMI. A central element is the engineering software Control plus, which enables machine builders to configure machines with ready-made software modules. The result is a high level of standardization in the development of PLC code and HMI.

4 advantages of machine maintenance with Control plus

Benefits of standardization

1. Standardized software modules

1. Standardized software modules

By programming with standardized software modules, the individually created code is greatly reduced. This applies above all to the automatic process, while manual programming remains minimal. To this end, Bosch Connected Industry provides coding guidelines that keep the code clear and comprehensible for everyone involved. An additional software automatically checks compliance with these guidelines and creates a certificate that confirms to the client that the machine is programmed according to agreed standards.

2. Unified structure and easy navigation

2. Unified structure and easy navigation

Configuration is carried out in a standardized and optimized folder structure, which is transferred to the controller. Service and maintenance staff therefore find the same folder and code structures on every machine and can find their way around quickly and easily. This established structure is reflected in both the engineering software Control plus, as well as on the controller and in the HMI.

3. Increased empowerment of associates

3. Increased empowerment of associates

Another advantage of standardization is the independence from the specific expertise of individual device manufacturers. The PLC programmers only need the appropriate software module for the device. This enables service and maintenance personnel to deal with new and unfamiliar devices right from the start. The HMI is also optimized and standardized so that machine operators find the same user interface on every machine - regardless of the manufacturer of the installed devices. This enables quick familiarization and safe operation of every machine in production.

4. Efficient diagnosis and error detection

4. Efficient diagnosis and error detection

The HMI contains standardized areas such as the control of automatic operation, the selection of operating modes, the display of error messages as well as various views and the login system. Bosch Connected Industry also offers a selection of add-ons and assistance systems that can be integrated. With Virtual Assist, an assistance system for fault detection, the faulty device is displayed directly in the 3D model of the machine. The operating personnel receive clear instructions on how to rectify the problem. Another useful tool is Cycle Time Assist, which can be used to monitor the cycle times of the system. The assistance system precisely records the cycle times of all individual steps, from mechanical movements to communication times, and visualizes this data in real time. This enables production managers to quickly identify cycle time deviations and initiate countermeasures at an early stage to ensure production efficiency. This data can also be exported as an XML file for further processing.


The Nexeed Automation portfolio offers comprehensive solutions for the standardization and optimization of PLC and HMI in machines. These solutions simplify maintenance, increase the empowerment of associates and enable efficient error detection and resolution.

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Jörg Scherrieble
Product Manager
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